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Candace Owens becomes Catholic 🇺🇸

Candace Owens Converted to the Church

Candace Owens, 35, an American political commentator and critic of the controversial Black Lives Matter propaganda organisation, has converted to the Church at the Brompton Oratory in London. She wrote …More
Candace Owens, 35, an American political commentator and critic of the controversial Black Lives Matter propaganda organisation, has converted to the Church at the Brompton Oratory in London.
She wrote on Twitter (22 April): "I have made the decision to come home". Owens has started attending Mass with her English husband George Farmer, who converted to the Church from evangelicalism. They are both very affluent.
In September, Owens will speak at the "Catholic Identity Conference" organised by the
She parted ways with at the end of March because of her critical views on Israel's war against Gaza. "There is no justification for genocide. I can't believe that this needs to be said, or that it's even the least bit controversial to say it", she stated.
Ben Shapiro, co-founder of the Daily Wire, is Jewish and implacably pro-Israel.
Candace Owens announced to be "home".
English Catholic
The Church's full title is 'The Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary'. The pictures above are of the 'Little Oratory' which is next to the main Church.
Musa al-Gharbi, a sociologist at Columbia University, examined data from many studies…and concluded that conservatives are indeed happier than liberals. He said this finding “is consistent across …More
Musa al-Gharbi, a sociologist at Columbia University, examined data from many studies…and concluded that conservatives are indeed happier than liberals. He said this finding “is consistent across countries and extends back in time.”


It was the day after Ronald Reagan beat Jimmy Carter in the 1980 presidential election. I was smiling (I had run Reagan’s campaign in the North Hills of Pittsburgh), but …
because they dont know or dont stand for Truth
The FBI is spying on Traditional Catholic parishes, yet they were 'exonerated' by the DOJ. This is a classical case of the fox guarding the henhouse. Our government is currently under the control of …More
The FBI is spying on Traditional Catholic parishes, yet they were 'exonerated' by the DOJ. This is a classical case of the fox guarding the henhouse. Our government is currently under the control of traitors whose allegiance is to Israel.
Florida’s Catholic Governor Ron DaSantis 🔥 “We are going to tell the truth about Communism in the state of Florida. We are going to tell the truth about the evils of communism”
Bruceph Mildur
So youre going to undo that hatespeech rule you signed?
Jordan Peterson wrestles with God and Catholic Unscripted Please support us at Gavin, Katherine and Mark discuss a recent visit to meet Jordan Peterson in Oklahoma. Konstantin …More
Jordan Peterson wrestles with God and Catholic Unscripted
Please support us at
Gavin, Katherine and Mark discuss a recent visit to meet Jordan Peterson in Oklahoma.
Konstantin Kissin introduces Peterson who talks good and evil, truth and lies.
#culture #church #jordanpeterson
chris griffin
Much ado about nothing.
Council of Cardinals discusses global situation, Synod, role of women in Church

Council of Cardinals discusses global situation, Synod, role of women in Church - Vatican News

Council of Cardinals discusses global situation, Synod, role of women in Church The meeting of the Council …
What role women play in their diabolical Church that's easy to go against their nature
Clericalism with protestants: After allowing a stripper on stage, megachurch Pastor John Lindell claims you can't criticize him, otherwise you'll be headed towards unbelief and live a barren life. In …More
Clericalism with protestants: After allowing a stripper on stage, megachurch Pastor John Lindell claims you can't criticize him, otherwise you'll be headed towards unbelief and live a barren life. In this conversation with Mark Driscoll, after kicking him off stage, there was not ONE MENTION of the former male stripper that they had performing at the Stronger Men's Conference.
From what I've researched, the performer in question is actually a circus act - acrobat/sword swallower. He performs in Vegas frequently. HOWEVER hardly …More
From what I've researched, the performer in question is actually a circus act - acrobat/sword swallower. He performs in Vegas frequently. HOWEVER hardly a good fit for a "Christian men's conference" Of course, we had similar in our own house:
Humanity. Extinction.

Diaper company switches to adult diapers as fertility crashes in Japan

As Japan continues to grapple with plummeting birth rates, a diaper company has stopped manufacturing diapers for babies and is now …
Madonna put on a busty display with a Bible and rosary as she posed for the cover of Re-Edition Magazine 's upcoming spring/summer 2024 issue

Madonna, 65, flashes her cleavage while leaning over a Bible

Madonna, 65, flashes her cleavage while leaning over a Bible with a man next to her as she covers Re-Edition Magazine amid her Celebration Tour …
Billy F
Father Karl A Claver
As Archbishop Sheen said, when the Church discards her sacred treasures, the world takes them and makes them sacrilegious.
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f you marry badly — or marry at all, when it isn’t for you — don’t assume the damage is recoverable. If you make the wrong career choice, and realise it as early as age 30, don’t count on a way back …More
f you marry badly — or marry at all, when it isn’t for you — don’t assume the damage is recoverable. If you make the wrong career choice, and realise it as early as age 30, don’t count on a way back. Even the decision to go down a science track at school, when the humanities turn out to be your bag, can mangle a life. None of these errors need consign a person to eternal and acute distress. But life is path-dependent: each mistake narrows the next round of choices. A big one, or just an early one, can foreclose all hope of the life you wanted.

The myth of the second chance

The self-help industry suggests all mistakes in life are retrievable. Middle age teaches us otherwise
True that - but often people today, particularly the young, are paralyzed by a behavior labeled F.O.M.O. = fear of missing out. So they defer marriage …More
True that - but often people today, particularly the young, are paralyzed by a behavior labeled F.O.M.O. = fear of missing out. So they defer marriage or children, or religious vocation, or conversion to later, so they can experience all options open. This 'tyranny of choice' keeps them from making any life commitments at all. Hence the feeling of giving up that permeates the Western world.
Novena - Oremus
'He that rises after his falls, with confidence in God and profound humility of heart, will become, in God's hands, a proper instrument for the …More
'He that rises after his falls, with confidence in God and profound humility of heart, will become, in God's hands, a proper instrument for the accomplishment of great things; but he who acts otherwise can never do any good.' (St. Paul of the Cross)
Anthony Esolen: The current pontificate is said not to be about doctrine but pastoral care. But can the two be severed?

Doctrine and the Cure of Souls - The Catholic Thing

One of my neighbors is a pleasant and apparently hard-working young man with a child by a marriage that smashed on the rocks. He has nothing good to …
Papers like Time of Mr Luce and his friends were preparing Catholics in the US to morph into followers of americanism. People like J. C. Murray but also …More
Papers like Time of Mr Luce and his friends were preparing Catholics in the US to morph into followers of americanism. People like J. C. Murray but also Fulton Sheen were very useful in that process. They are false saints of the false religion.
Everyday for Life Canada
Another great article by Anthony Esolen. We have a pontificate that refuses to evangelize because those in charge have given up on doctrine. Pastoral …More
Another great article by Anthony Esolen. We have a pontificate that refuses to evangelize because those in charge have given up on doctrine. Pastoral care without doctrine is social work.
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Cardinal Louis Raphaël Sako has returned to Baghdad, nine months after leaving the Iraqi capital. The leader of the Chaldean Catholic Church ended his self-imposed exile after a personal invitation from …More
Cardinal Louis Raphaël Sako has returned to Baghdad, nine months after leaving the Iraqi capital. The leader of the Chaldean Catholic Church ended his self-imposed exile after a personal invitation from Iraq’s prime minister.

After Eight Months: Cardinal Sako Returns to Baghdad

The head of the Chaldean Church in Iraq, Catholic Patriarch Louis Raphaël Sako, announced on 10th April that he had returned to his headquarters in Baghdad. He left Baghdad in August 2023 after President …More
The head of the Chaldean Church in Iraq, Catholic Patriarch Louis Raphaël Sako, announced on 10th April that he had returned to his headquarters in Baghdad.
He left Baghdad in August 2023 after President Abdul Latif Rashid, a Sunni Kurd, withdrew state recognition of Mgr. Sako as head of the church and spent eight months in exile in Erbil, Kurdistan.
Mgr. Sako returned at the personal invitation of Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, a Shia Muslim from Baghdad.
The patriarch praised the invitation as "a first step in a journey of a thousand miles". Sako remains troubled by the Iraqi president's actions and continues to seek the recognition he has been deprived of.
Picture: Louis Raphaël Sako © Mazur CC BY-NC-ND, #newsHwkmrzmlsg
Sandy Barrett shares from
"They say that from now on the most important thing for a bishop would be to welcome individuals in their subjectivity, rather than to proclaim the content of the revealed message".

Sarah Praises African Bishops For Resisting Francis' Homosex-Propaganda

Cardinal Robert Sarah, one of the leading cardinals in terms of intelligence and integrity, praised the bishops of Cameroon for their "courageous and prophetic" 21 December statement against Francis' …More
Cardinal Robert Sarah, one of the leading cardinals in terms of intelligence and integrity, praised the bishops of Cameroon for their "courageous and prophetic" 21 December statement against Francis' homosexual pseudo-blessings.
"You have done a work of pastoral charity by pointing out the truth," he said. The cardinal is currently visiting Cameroon, where he gave a programmatic speech on 9 April at the Episcopal Conference headquarters in Mvolyé, published on
It is "wrong and ridiculous" for "some people in the West" [including Francis] to claim that the Cameroonian bishops acted in the name of some "cultural particularism", Sarah clarified. They have claimed, "in a logic of intellectual neo-colonialism", that Africans are "not yet" ready to "bless" sin "for cultural reasons", he said: "As if the West had a head start over backward Africans."
In reality, the bishops in Africa are acting "in the name of the one Lord, the one faith of the Church", Sarah explained: "Since when …More
Everyday for Life Canada
Perhaps it will be Africa to remind and teach the West of its moral responsibilities.
Cardinal Gregory: Respectfully invite LGBTQ community to accept Church’s moral teaching

DC cardinal says LGBTQ Catholics are welcome, but Church has its rules

Cardinal Wilton Gregory of Washington has praised a new Vatican document on human dignity and addressed topics including the upcoming …
English Catholic
And Cardinal Wilton Gregory thinks the 'LGBTQ' Catholics will obey? Get real. What planet is this Cardinal on? The group in London has been openly …More
And Cardinal Wilton Gregory thinks the 'LGBTQ' Catholics will obey? Get real. What planet is this Cardinal on? The group in London has been openly flouting Catholic teaching for a quarter of a century, and have bragged that no member of the hierarchy has ever told them they have to remain celibate.
One of the best images of the eclipse I have seen.

Pope Francis meets with relatives of hostages held by Hamas

Pope Francis meets with relatives of hostages held by Hamas since the start of the Israeli war against the organization. The private audience …
That's a smaller number, isn't it?
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus
Another publicity stunt to get attention. For Francis, it is more important to meet with the non believing Jews than with the Catholic Cardinals who …More
Another publicity stunt to get attention. For Francis, it is more important to meet with the non believing Jews than with the Catholic Cardinals who believe in the Catholic faith.
Victoria Villarruel, the vice president of Argentina, who is also a devout Catholic, prays on her knees at a Catholic Church. Image: Victoria Villarruel
I wonder if a truly devout politician would allow publicity shots of herself praying.
What's your opinion on that?
Credo .
@Jeffrey Ade. ~ "Pray, Hope and don't worry"! ~ " Where's your 'faith' man"?
Jeffrey Ade
I think it is important to realize there are many occult players who use these astronomical events for casting spells. Clearly this eclipse is a heavenly …More
I think it is important to realize there are many occult players who use these astronomical events for casting spells. Clearly this eclipse is a heavenly sign from our Lady of Fatima to remind us the time is drawing near to the annihilation of nations and to be ready!
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The Jesuits.

Notre Dame historian reveals institutional flaws and failures within Jesuit order behind current …

The pattern of behaviour shown by Jesuit leadership in the management of the high-profile Rupnik …